GRM Publications

Publisher: Routledge

The Arab Gulf States and the West. Perception and Realities - Opportunities and Perils

This book examines the relations and image of the Arab Gulf...

The Arab Gulf States and the West. Perception and Realities - Opportunities and Perils

Publisher: Gulf Research Center Cambridge

GCC Relations with Post-War Iraq: A Strategic Perspective

This volume contains the contributions to the Gulf Research...

GCC Relations with Post-War Iraq: A Strategic Perspective

Publisher: Gulf Research Center Cambridge

Housing Markets and Policy Design in the Gulf Region

Housing is what creates and defines cities, and affordable h...

Housing Markets and Policy Design in the Gulf Region

Publisher: Gerlach Press

Asia-Gulf Economic Relations in the 21st Century: The Local to Global Transformation

Asia constitutes the hub of the transformation of global eco...

Asia-Gulf Economic Relations in the 21st Century: The Local to Global Transformation

Publisher: Gulf Research Center Cambridge

The Gulf and Latin America: An Assessment of Expectations and Challenges

Since the last decade of the 20th century, there has been an...

The Gulf and Latin America: An Assessment of Expectations and Challenges

Publisher: Gerlach Press

Security Dynamics of East Asia in the Gulf Region

The Gulf region’s primary economic relationships are rapidly...

Security Dynamics of East Asia in the Gulf Region

Publisher: Springer

Environmental Cost and Face of Agriculture in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries

This volume presents the outcome of an Agriculture Workshop...

Environmental Cost and Face of Agriculture in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries

Publisher: Gerlach Press

State-Society Relations in the Arab Gulf States

This book examines the strategies and dynamics through which...

State-Society Relations in the Arab Gulf States

Publisher: Gerlach Press

The Political Economy of Energy Reform: The Clean Energy-Fossil Fuel Balance in the Gulf

Climate change requires coordinated global responses. All na...

The Political Economy of Energy Reform: The Clean Energy-Fossil Fuel Balance in the Gulf

Publisher: Gerlach Press

A New Gulf Security Architecture: Prospects and Challenges for an Asian Role

This book explores how growing economic ties between Asian c...

A New Gulf Security Architecture: Prospects and Challenges for an Asian Role

Publisher: Gerlach Press

Gulf Charities and Islamic Philanthropy in the “Age of Terror” and Beyond

“Gulf Charities and Islamic Philanthropy in the ‘Age of Terr...

Gulf Charities and Islamic Philanthropy in the “Age of Terror” and Beyond

Publisher: Gerlach Press

Islamic Finance: Political Economy, Performance and Risk (Three Volume Series)

This collection of new research brings together state of the...

Islamic Finance: Political Economy, Performance and Risk (Three Volume Series)

Publisher: Gulf Research Centre Cambridge

India and the Gulf: What Next?

A combination of global political and economic factors helpe...

India and the Gulf: What Next?

Publisher: Gerlach Press

Africa and the Gulf Region: Blurred Boundaries and Shifting Ties

The ties that bind Africa and the Gulf region have deep hist...

Africa and the Gulf Region: Blurred Boundaries and Shifting Ties

Publisher: Routledge

The Green Economy in the Gulf

Filling a void in academic and policy-relevant literature on...

The Green Economy in the Gulf

Publisher: Gulf Research Center Cambridge

GCC–Turkey Relations: Dawn of a New Era

In 2008, Turkey became the first country outside the Gulf to...

GCC–Turkey Relations: Dawn of a New Era

Publisher: Gulf Research Center Cambridge

Visual Culture(s) in the Gulf: An Antholog

The most widespread representation of the Gulf depicts megas...

Visual Culture(s) in the Gulf: An Antholog

Publisher: Gerlach Press

The Changing Energy Landscape in the Gulf: Strategic Implications

Extreme fluctuations in oil prices (such as the dramatic fal...

The Changing Energy Landscape in the Gulf: Strategic Implications

Publisher: Gerlach Press

Employment and Career Motivation in the Arab Gulf States: The Rentier Mentality Revisited

The notion of “rentier mentality” has haunted the literature...

Employment and Career Motivation in the Arab Gulf States: The Rentier Mentality Revisited

Publisher: Gulf Research Center Cambridge

Gulf Cities as Interfaces

The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, als...

Gulf Cities as Interfaces

Publisher: Gerlach Press

The United States and the Gulf: Shifting Pressures, Strategies and Alignments

Gulf region’s relations with the outside world are changing...

The United States and the Gulf: Shifting Pressures, Strategies and Alignments

Publisher: Gerlach Press

Sustainable Development Challenges in the Arab States of the Gulf

This volume surveys the increasing challenges facing the Ara...

Sustainable Development Challenges in the Arab States of the Gulf

Publisher: Gulf Research Center

The Gulf and Latin America: Exploring New Avenues of Exchange

In the last few years, there has been a substantial increase...

The Gulf and Latin America: Exploring New Avenues of Exchange

Publisher: Gerlach Press

Higher Education Investment in the Arab States of the Gulf: Strategies for Excellence and Diversity

Over the last half-century, the GCC states have invested on...

Higher Education Investment in the Arab States of the Gulf: Strategies for Excellence and Diversity

Publisher: Gerlach Press

Intellectual Property Rights: Development and Enforcement in the Arab States of the Gulf

This volume includes a range of topics addressing aspects of...

Intellectual Property Rights: Development and Enforcement in the Arab States of the Gulf

Publisher: Gerlach Press

Science and Technology Development in the Gulf States: Economic Diversification through Regional Collaboration

The Arab states of the Gulf, currently heavily reliant on oi...

Science and Technology Development in the Gulf States: Economic Diversification through Regional Collaboration

Publisher: Gerlach Press

Egypt and the Gulf: A Renewed Regional Policy Alliance

Egypt continues to be cultural and political beacon in the M...

Egypt and the Gulf: A Renewed Regional Policy Alliance

Publisher: Gerlach Press

Iran’s Relations with the Arab States of the Gulf: Common Interests over Historic Rivalry

GCC-Iran relations are at the heart of important political d...

Iran’s Relations with the Arab States of the Gulf: Common Interests over Historic Rivalry

Publisher: Gerlach Press

The Arab States of the Gulf and BRICS: New Strategic Partnerships in Politcs and Economics

How the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) relates to BRICS (Bra...

The Arab States of the Gulf and BRICS: New Strategic Partnerships in Politcs and Economics

Publisher: Gulf Research Center Cambridge

Migration to the Gulf: Policies in Sending and Receiving Countries

International migration is a ubiquitous reality in the Gulf...

Migration to the Gulf: Policies in Sending and Receiving Countries

Publisher: Gulf Research Center Cambridge

Challenges to Education in the GCC during the 21st Century

This volume examines the applied and theoretical frames of r...

Challenges to Education in the GCC during the 21st Century

Publisher: Gulf Research Center Cambridge

Skillfull Survivals

The Gulf States are among the most sought-after destinations...

Skillfull Survivals

Publisher: Gerlach Press

Yemen and the Gulf States: the Making of a Crisis

Yemen is the only state on the Arabian Peninsula that is not...

Yemen and the Gulf States: the Making of a Crisis

Publisher: Italian Journal of International Affairs

Special issue: “Foreign Relations of the GCC Countries amid Shifting Global and Regional Dynamics”

This Special Issue examines the foreign policies of the GCC...

Special issue: “Foreign Relations of the GCC Countries amid Shifting Global and Regional Dynamics”

Publisher: Gerlach Press

The Future of Labour Market Reform in the Gulf Region: Towards a Multi-Disciplinary, Evidence-based and Practical Understanding

As governments across the GCC strive to implement labour pol...

The Future of Labour Market Reform in the Gulf Region: Towards a Multi-Disciplinary, Evidence-based and Practical Understanding

Publisher: Gerlach Press

Strategies of Knowledge Transfer for Economic Diversification in the Arab States of the Gulf

Diversification is the principal economic objective for the...

Strategies of Knowledge Transfer for Economic Diversification in the Arab States of the Gulf

Publisher: Gerlach Press

Conflict Resolution and Creation of a Security Community in the Gulf Region

The bitter confrontation between Saudi Arabia and Iran is no...

Conflict Resolution and Creation of a Security Community in the Gulf Region

Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

Economic Diversification in the Gulf Region, Vol. II (Comparing Global Challenges)

This volume explores the challenges to diversification in Gu...

Economic Diversification in the Gulf Region, Vol. II (Comparing Global Challenges)

Publisher: Routledge

Foreign Relations of the GCC Countries: Shifting Global and Regional Dynamics

This book examines the foreign policies of the GCC countries...

Foreign Relations of the GCC Countries: Shifting Global and Regional Dynamics

Publisher: Routledge

The Small Gulf States. Foreign and Security Policies before and after the Arab Spring

Small states are often believed to have been resigned to the...

The Small Gulf States. Foreign and Security Policies before and after the Arab Spring

Publisher: I.B. Tauris

Policy-Making in the GCC: State, Citizens and Institutions

The GCC is a major player in the post-2011 reordering of the...

Policy-Making in the GCC: State, Citizens and Institutions

Publisher: Gulf Research Center

Energy Transitions in the Gulf: Key Questions on Nuclear Power

Several countries in the Middle East, including the United A...

Energy Transitions in the Gulf: Key Questions on Nuclear Power

Publisher: Routledge

Sustainability in the Gulf: Challenges and Opportunities

Sustainability is a topic of great interest today, particula...

Sustainability in the Gulf: Challenges and Opportunities

Publisher: Gerlach Press

The Gulf States, Asia and the Indian Ocean: Ensuring the Security of the Sea Lanes

Among the many strategic and economic issues facing the Gulf...

The Gulf States, Asia and the Indian Ocean: Ensuring the Security of the Sea Lanes

Publisher: Gulf Research Center Cambridge

Regional Disorder and New Geo-economic Order: Saudi Security Strategies in a Reshaped Middle East

The Arab uprisings which started in early 2011 from the Magh...

Regional Disorder and New Geo-economic Order: Saudi Security Strategies in a Reshaped Middle East

Publisher: Gulf Research Center Cambridge

Economic Diversification in the Gulf Region, Vol. I (The Private Sector as an Engine of Growth)

This volume focuses on the role of the private sector in div...

Economic Diversification in the Gulf Region, Vol. I (The Private Sector as an Engine of Growth)

Publisher: Gulf Research Center Cambridge

Transforming GCC’s Oil and Industry in the 21st Century: Opportunities and Challenges

For decades, GCC countries have relied on conventional oil a...

Transforming GCC’s Oil and Industry in the 21st Century: Opportunities and Challenges

Publisher: Gulf Research Centre Cambridge

Perpetuating the Rentier State: Patrimonialism in a Globalized World

This paper examines whether the rentier state exists today a...

Perpetuating the Rentier State: Patrimonialism in a Globalized World

Publisher: Gulf Research Centre Cambridge

Disputed Islands between UAE and Iran: Abu Musa, Greater Tunb, and Lesser Tunb in the Strait of Hormuz

This study describes the history of the territorial dispute...

Disputed Islands between UAE and Iran: Abu Musa, Greater Tunb, and Lesser Tunb in the Strait of Hormuz

Publisher: Gulf Research Center Cambridge

Realigning Ecological Needs and Economic Growth to Formulate Environmental Policy for the Gulf States

The concept of sustainable development first presented in th...

Realigning Ecological Needs and Economic Growth to Formulate Environmental Policy for the Gulf States

Publisher: Gulf Research Center Cambridge

Salalah: The Economic Development and Spatial Fragmentation of a Globalized Port City in Southern Oman

This paper studies the spatial and economic development of t...

Salalah: The Economic Development and Spatial Fragmentation of a Globalized Port City in Southern Oman

Publisher: Gulf Research Centre Cambridge

The Gulf Arab Countries’ Foreign and Security Policies Post-Arab Uprisings: Toward Greater Regional Independence of the Middle East

This paper examines the Gulf Arab countries’ foreign and sec...

The Gulf Arab Countries’ Foreign and Security Policies Post-Arab Uprisings: Toward Greater Regional Independence of the Middle East

Publisher: Gerlach Press

Islamic Finance: Political Economy, Values and Innovation

Islamic finance emerged in the post-colonial period through...

Islamic Finance: Political Economy, Values and Innovation

Publisher: Gerlach Press

Islamic Finance: Risk, Stability and Growth

Islamic finance in modern times emerged in the form of comme...

Islamic Finance: Risk, Stability and Growth

Publisher: Gerlach Press

Islamic Finance: Performance and Efficiency

Islamic finance is considered a modern version of the histor...

Islamic Finance: Performance and Efficiency

Publisher: Gerlach Press

Sustainable Development Challenges in the Arab States of the Gulf

We are delighted and honored to have edited Sustainable Deve...

Sustainable Development Challenges in the Arab States of the Gulf

Publisher: Gerlach Press

The Changing Energy Landscape in the Gulf: Strategic Implications

Most of the contributors to this volume attended a workshop...

The Changing Energy Landscape in the Gulf: Strategic Implications

Publisher: Gerlach Press

Employment and Career Motivation in the Arab Gulf States: The Rentier Mentality Revisited

This book is the outcome of the workshop that was held at th...

Employment and Career Motivation in the Arab Gulf States: The Rentier Mentality Revisited

Publisher: Gerlach Press

The United States and the Gulf: Shifting Pressures, Strategies and Alignments

Security issues in the Gulf region have been of critical imp...

The United States and the Gulf: Shifting Pressures, Strategies and Alignments

Publisher: Gerlach Press

A New Gulf Security Architecture: Prospects and Challenges for an Asian Role

In 2011, the world witnessed a tide of political changes in...

A New Gulf Security Architecture: Prospects and Challenges for an Asian Role

Publisher: Gerlach Press

State-Society Relations In the Arab Gulf States

We would like to thank Georgetown University in Qatar and Ge...

State-Society Relations In the Arab Gulf States

Publisher: Gerlach Press

Security Dynamics of East Asia in the Gulf Region

There is now little doubt that the Gulf region’s primary eco...

Security Dynamics of East Asia in the Gulf Region

Publisher: Gerlach Press

The GCC in the Global Economy

Changing geopolitical realities have seen the Gulf region tu...

The GCC in the Global Economy

Publisher: Gerlach Press

GCC Financial Markets The World’s New Money Centers

Spurred by high oil revenues, credit growth and economic div...

GCC Financial Markets The World’s New Money Centers

Publisher: Gerlach Press

National Employment, Migration and Education in the GCC

n most important regards, the economies of the GCC have been...

National Employment, Migration and Education in the GCC

Publisher: Springer

Saudi Youth Policies and Practices

This book series, indexed in Scopus, serves the growing scho...

Saudi Youth Policies and Practices

Publisher: Routledge

Innovation and Development of Knowledge Societies Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge-Based Socioeconomic Growth

This book examines the role that intellectual property plays...

Innovation and Development of Knowledge Societies Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge-Based Socioeconomic Growth

GRM 2019

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