Full Paper Submission Guidelines

Once selected, the deadline for submitting the draft version of the paper is May 31, 2023. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of the applicant’s participation as paper presenter. Please click here to find more details on the GRM 2023 Honorariums.

This deadline has to be strictly respected and not doing so could result in forfeiting your participation. Note that at this stage your draft paper should already be a complete version of your work and meet the criteria in terms of length (6500-7000 words), even though you will still be able to amend it before submitting your final version, especially to include the feedback gathered during the meeting. When your draft paper is ready, we will ask you to upload it on your online GRM profile (the one you created for your application).

Submission of the paper signifies that the participant agrees to the Intellectual Property Guidelines . Two of the most important points to keep in mind are the fact that we expect participants to provide an original piece of work and the fact that the copyright of their paper will belong to the Gulf Research Centre Cambridge.

Here are the details relating to paper style guidelines.

Please note that acceptance of an abstract proposal does not guarantee an individual’s participation as paper presenter. If we do not receive a participant’s draft paper before the deadline and/or the draft submission does not meet the quality standards of the workshop directors and/or the Gulf Research Centre Cambridge, we may have to change the status of the participant to listening participant rather than paper presenter. This helps to ensure that all papers presented at the conference are of the highest quality.

Following the conclusion of the GRM, all participants will be given until September 1, 2023 for paper revision. If a sufficient number of quality papers are available from an individual workshop, these papers will be considered for publication in an edited volume by the Gulf Research Centre Cambridge or other publishers.

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