Migration to the Gulf: Policies in Sending and Receiving Countries

Edited by: Philippe Fargues and Nasra M. Shah
Publisher: Gulf Research Center Cambridge
Published year: 2018
GRM year: 9

International migration is a ubiquitous reality in the Gulf states where foreign citizens are a majority in the workforce as well as in the total population of several states. Migration is instrumental in the Gulf nations’ prosperity and at the same time regarded as a challenge to their identity. For many countries of origin in Asia, the Arab world and East Africa, migration to the Gulf is an integral part of the daily lives of tens of millions and a constitutive element of economies and societies. This book is about policies designed to regulate migration and protect the migrants and enable them to contribute to the prosperity of the Gulf and the development of their home countries. It brings unique knowledge to all those striving to improve current systems, from a state’s as well as a migrant’s perspective

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