Saudi Youth Policies and Practices

Edited by: Mark C. Thompson, Neil Quilliam
Publisher: Springer
Published year: 2024
GRM year: 13

This book series, indexed in Scopus, serves the growing scholarly interest in the dynamic, complex, and strategically important Arab Gulf region by offering an academic publication platform to scholars in the region and beyond. The series takes an interdisciplinary approach to documenting the changes occurring in Gulf societies. It aims to advance the understanding of Gulf societies and their interactions with the rest of the world from a non-Western perspective. The series explicitly gives scholars from the Arab Gulf region more voice and visibility in academic publications. It includes studies of the member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), namely: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, as well as Iran, Iraq, and Yemen. It accepts proposals for research monographs, edited volumes, and handbooks that explain how the Gulf societies’ social, economic, and political landscapes have evolved over the past few decades.

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