The Gulf Research Meeting (GRM) offers a unique environment to explore matters of key importance to the Gulf region and provides a platform for discussion and dissemination of research in a wide variety of Gulf-related fields, including economic and financial issues, international relations, security, environment, energy and renewable energy, as well as education, labour and social issues. Committed to a high-level academic standard, the GRM's objective is to help generate solutions to many of the region's pressing challenges.
{"desc_heading":"workshop heading","about_us_content":"This year\u2019s GRM workshops cover a wide range of topics in the fields of politics, economics, energy, security and the wider social sciences as they relate to the wider Gulf region (GCC countries in addition to Iraq and Yemen). You can click on each workshop to read its full description."}
This year's GRM workshop directors come from a variety of esteemed institutions from both within and outside the Gulf.