Workshop 1 / GRM 2024
The Future of the GCC as an Institution


Regional security as a concept finds its legal basis in Chapter VIII of the Charter of the United Nations entitled “Regional Arrangements” and it included three articles “52, 53, 54”, where Article 52 stipulates that “nothing in the present Charter precludes the existence of regional arrangements or agencies for dealing with such matters relating to the maintenance of international peace and security as are appropriate for regional action provided that such arrangements or agencies and their activities are consistent with the Purposes and Principles of the United Nations.” According to this legal basis, many regional security organizations were established in the world, including the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), as a comprehensive regional organization that includes 6 homogeneous countries and prevents other countries from joining it. Like other regional organizations, the Cooperation Council has faced many challenges throughout its journey, including the diverging visions of academics about the Council. For instance, there are opinions that see the existence of the Council and the holding of its meetings, whether at the summit or ministerial level, does reflect the will and the necessity for the member states of the continuation of the Council as a collective self-umbrella to preserve the security of the Arabian Gulf. Another set of opinions believe that the Council has not witnessed a significant development in line with the internal transformations witnessed by the Arab Gulf states, in addition to regional and global developments. This requires a scientific discussion to answer several questions, including how to evaluate the experience of the GCC according to the criteria of the emergence and functioning of regional / sub-regional security organizations? How has the GCC responded to changes in the regional environment over four decades? Has the GCC witnessed an institutional development similar to the European Union? How was this reflected in the Council's performance on various issues? What are the priorities that the GCC has had an interest in since its inception until now? What is the impact of proposals to establish regional security formulas on the existence of the Council itself? Does the GCC have integrated strategies to confront the new security threats to the Arab Gulf states, especially cyber and maritime security threats? What is the impact of the escalation of conflict and international competition on the regional role of the GCC?



Dr. Haila


Professor of Political Science -
Kuwait University - College of Social Sciences

Dr. Ashraf Mohamed


Director of the Strategic and International Studies Program
Bahrain Center for Strategic, International and Energy Studies

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