Steffen Hertog

Dr. Steffen Hertog is senior lecturer in comparative politics at the London School of Economics. He was previously Kuwait Professor at Sciences Po in Paris, lecturer in Middle East political economy at Durham University and a post-doc at Princeton University. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Oxford. He has been travelling and working in the Middle East extensively since 2000, both as an academic and as public policy consultant. Steffen’s main interest lies in Gulf and Middle East political economy, specifically Arab bureaucracies, state-business relations and labour markets. He has a subsidiary interest in issues of political violence in the Islamic world. His academic publications have appeared in leading political science and area studies journals, including World Politics, International Journal of Middle East Studies, Review of International Political Economy, and Comparative Studies in Society and History. His book on the politics of economic reform in Saudi Arabia, Princes, Brokers and Bureaucrats: Oil and the State in Saudi Arabia, was published by Cornell University Press in 2010. He is the editor of Labour Market, Unemployment, and Migration in the GCC (Gerlach Press 2012) and co-editor, with Giacomo Luciani and Marc Valeri, of Business politics in the Middle East (Hurst 2013). A book about Islamic radicalism and higher education, co-authored with Diego Gambetta, will be published soon by Princeton University Press.

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