Dr. Jean-Marc Rickli

Assistant Professor Dept. of Defence Studies / Joaan Bin Jassim Joint Command and Staff College

Dr. Jean-Marc Rickli is assistant professor at the Department of Defence Studies of King’s College, London but based at the Qatar Joint Command and Staff College in Doha. He is also a researcher at the Near East Center for Security and Strategy of King’s College. He holds a Ph.D. and an M.Phil in International Relations from Oxford University, UK, where he was also a Berrow scholar at Lincoln College. Prior to his current position, Dr. Rickli was assistant professor at the Institute for International and Civil Security at Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi. He is the former President of the Geneva University Strategic Studies Group and was program coordinator of the Urban Security program at the University of Geneva. He is also a former Vice-President of the Oxford University Strategic Studies Group. Dr. Rickli taught and conducted research at several institutions in nine different countries including China and the United States. His research interests are on the use of force in international relations, small states’ foreign and security policies, risk analysis, and non-traditional security issues such as energy, 6 financial, and cyber security. He has published several book chapters, journal articles in the Cambridge Review of International Affairs, the Oxford Journal on Good Governance, the Encyclopedia of Political Science, as well as a book titled “The Coercive Use of Air Power in the Balkans.” His latest articles are on energy security in the Gulf, cyber security as well as on small states’ survival and strategy.

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