Workshop 13 / GRM 2025
The Politics and Policy of Climate Change in the Gulf


Aware of the volatility of the oil market, and the looming global energy transition where theproduction and consumption of fossil fuels is reduced, the Gulf countries have put effortsinto diversifying their economies whilst at the same time making long-term climatemitigation goals, including commitments to net zero carbon emissions. Most of theeconomic diversification efforts however remain heavily reliant on oil rent. Withintensifying climate impacts, Gulf countries are also having to incorporate climateadaptation measures into their political economic models.This workshop aims to explore the interlinkages between economic diversification effortsand climate change implications in the region. The workshop also aims to examine whetherhydrocarbons play a role in determining the trajectory of climate policies and governance inthe region, taking into consideration the interplay between climate change and economic,social, cultural and political developments. The main focus of the discussion is to:• Assess the various policy challenges presented by climate change including waterscarcity and security, food security, extreme weather events, and possible pathways toaddress these challenges in a post-oil era.• Discuss the interplay between climate change and economic, social, cultural, andpolitical developments.• Examine the socio-economic and geopolitical implications of climate change as well asthe implications of policies and measures implemented to address them.• Examine the role of non-state actors, such as the private and financial sectors, inaddressing climate change in the Gulf.

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